How to Make Silky and Soft Hair? A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Who doesn’t dream of having those silky and healthy curls? If not all, the majority of girls dream of having that jet-black, smooth, and silky hair. People get jealous of seeing others’ shiny, black, and smooth hair and consider it a blessing. But they don’t realize that certain causes or lifestyle practices lead to dry, dull, and damaged hair. Shiny and smooth locks mean having healthy hair. This article will provide you with invaluable tips & tricks that will answer all your questions regarding “How to make hair silky?” and transform your hair into a luxurious and silky run. 

For many people, dealing with dry hair can be a menace. Styling practices are extremely harsh on dry hair as they include harsh chemicals on dry hair and heating tools that make the hair prone to damage. We would also share the alternatives to chemical-based treatments or medications to help you make a smarter decision.

Possible Causes Your Hair Isn’t Soft and Silky

Soft hair is characterized by properly moisturized hair. The hair should feel smooth enough for your fingers to run through the roots to the tips. If your fingers stop or your hair is broken while checking the softness, your hair has turned fragile. If paid timely attention, it may also retain its texture. 

Let’s look at some reasons your hair isn’t healthy and shiny:

1. Environmental conditions: Overexposure to UV rays, extreme weather conditions, and pollution can make your hair dry and brittle. It is one of the main factors for hair losing its moisture, shine, and suppleness.

2. Chemical treatments: Hair styling treatments can cause your hair to feel and look dry and weak, as they can break down protein bonds inside your hair, leaving your hair dull, frizzy, and exposed to a variety of environmental factors. 

3. Hormonal Imbalance: Regular consumption of birth control pills, pregnancy, and menopause may cause adverse effects on your health, including your hair.It can quickly worsen with certain illnesses and their respective medications. 

4. Grey hair: Your hair may lose its natural oils and nutrients with age, leaving gray hair which is coarse and brittle. Replenishing them with essential nutrients and oils will help rejuvenate your hair’s health. 

5. Excessive use of heat styling tools: Heat styling tools can damage your hair as it soaks up the natural moisture of the hair. 

12 Powerfully Proven Secrets to Make Your Hair Silky Naturally

Achieving silky hair does not result from a single session but includes a range of lifestyle changes. Here are some of the secrets that we’re going to unveil today. 

  1. Rinse your hair with cold water only: Warm water can harm the hair by opening up the cuticles, which can open up the hair and let moisture escape. Rinsing with cold water locks the moisture, making your hair smooth and silky. It also prevents moisture loss and assists in making the hair strands stay flat.
  2. Washing your hair every day is a big no-no. While bathing every day keeps your skin cleansed and healthy, doing so with your hair every day will dry it out. Shampooing with silky hair shampoo twice or thrice a week is a healthy practice and will give your scalp a chance to produce more oil, making your hair naturally silkier.

Mamaearth Onion Shampoo

  1. Opt for sulfate-free hair shampoo, such as Mamaearth Onion Hair Shampoo. It is backed by Onion, Keratin, Plant Keratin, and Wheat Amino Acids, which help in reducing hair fall and strengthening & smoothening hair. It moisturizes the hair and imparts the silkiness that it deserves.
  2. Don’t forget to moisturize your hair with a best hair conditioner l, such as Mamaearth Onion Hair Conditioner. It reduces hair fall, de-tangles hair, and softens hair. Apply it to the middle section of your hair, as it will make your hair softer and easier to manage. Let it stay for 5-7 minutes, and then rinse with cold water.

Mamaearth Onion Conditioner

  1. Nourishing your hair from within is also crucial. Achieving silky and soft hair starts with nourishment from the inside. Ensure you maintain a well-balanced diet rich in essential vitamins & minerals. You can include foods that contain Biotin, Vitamin E, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Iron, as they will promote healthy hair growth and maintain natural moisture.
  2. Are you looking for natural deep-conditioning treatments for your hair? If yes, you can opt for several deep-conditioning hair masks. You can create a variety of hair masks at home, such as Egg masks, Yogurt masks, Avocado masks, Honey masks, and much more. Or else, you could go in for an all-natural readymade option for your hair, such as Mamaearth Onion Hair Mask. It reduces hair fall, repairs damaged hair, and makes hair stronger. 

Mamaearth Onion Hair Mask

  1. Be gentle with your hair. Massage the shampoo onto your hair and scalp gently. Avoid scrubbing your hair aggressively as it may break your hair. Choose a wide-toothed comb to comb your hair, prevent damage, and avoid frizz to your hair. De-tangle from the bottom and take it up to the top. 
  2. Don’t forget regular trims, as split ends make your hair look dull and unhealthy. Getting a haircut will give your hair a healthy appearance, making them look soft and smooth. 
  3. The best way to properly moisturize and nourish your hair is to regularly massage a natural hair growth oil, such as Mamaearth Onion Hair Oil. The best hair oil in india will supply the hair with essential nutrients and keeps the hair healthy and silky. 

Mamaearth Onion Hair Oil

  1. Apply hair serum to give your hair a vibrant and shinier look. You can do more than get silky hair with a natural hair silky serum, such as Mamaearth Onion Hair Serum. It also protects the hair from environmental elements and heat protection tools.
  2. Avoid over-washing your hair, and choose a satin pillowcase, as it will help you maintain the silkiness and smoothness of your hair. 
  3. Gently towel dry your hair and avoid the usage of blow dryers unless you’re in a quick rush.

Tying Them Up

With silky hair products, achieving silky and soft hair becomes quite easy. It requires consistent effort and a holistic approach to hair care. Following the tips above, you can rejuvenate your hair and enjoy the luscious locks you’ve always desired. 

At Mamaearth, we tend to avoid picking any artificial ingredients. As Asia’s 1st brand to offer MadeSafe-certified products,  Mamaearth stays committed to including safe and toxin-free ingredients in its natural products that remain effective for you and benefit your skin for a longer period. 


 Q1. How can I get silky hair naturally?

Ans. You can get soft and silky hair naturally by following healthy hair care practices like washing your hair with cold water, eating a nutritious diet, adopting a healthy lifestyle, following healthy hair care practices, and choosing the right hair care products. Following hair care remedies made using Reetha and Amla also helps. It also serves well to reduce stress and sleep for six hours every night. 

Q2. How can I make my hair silky overnight?

Ans. If you want to make your hair silky overnight, opt for a deep-conditioning hair mask, which will nourish the hair overnight and add silkiness to your tresses.

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